I visited a wildlife park somewhere here in Deutschland where we fed the animals uncooked spaghetti, lovely sound hearing them chomping on it. Someone told me that's what they like

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Keep looking for the blue skies. Xx

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I (we) hope to be a part of one or two of your exciting planned events for 2025...

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Well, that would be just lovely :)

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"Distractions might be the death of a dream, but complete isolation is the death of connection." Oof, that hit hard. 🫶🏼💫

Cozy up, the dark season is upon us. The mind needs to adapt and rediscover its ways of survival.

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Sorry to hear you had a bad week. I hope next week is better 😘

Learning that the pigs like spaghetti was a surprisingly lovely fact for a Monday morning 😊

My goal is to make it to a writing retreat next year…

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At last! :)

Please do. We're going to be working out the dates in the coming weeks. Stay gripped for updates

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Now we‘re left wondering what god-awful atrocities happened in the middle of your last week for you to consider giving it all up?

Unless my breastfeeding brain missed out on something obvious.

Lots of love from me and my new baby daughter L.

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Oh! Congratulations! Such lovely news. I hope you are both doing wonderfully

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Very timely and apropos words lovely Pirate.

Distractions might be the death of a dream…

Currently dreaming off off-grid living in the woods, but in the small hours I lie awake wondering how I’d manage without hot water on tap.

Anyway, glad you came through the week to blue skies - I’m off out to pick up my tools. Have a productive week.

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It's easier than you think, the hot water thing. Come for one of our lovely weekends. The Reading Retreat is the most "luxurious". (For very limited values of luxury)

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Did the pigs escape again? Thank you for the lovely read and enjoy breakfast!

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The pigs have been pretty good actually. I think I might have got the fence right this time (famous last words!)

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