do you really plan to do fake news reality tv? i don‘t get it. let‘s c who shows up as builders of a better (?) post-world...

what you are undertaking is stunning and that there are no real people around says something about real people. why pretend the contrary?

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I like this week's edition - the tone does exude a certain level of chaos, which brings a unique and genuine touch to it...plus, I think, it's quite likely that chaos may intensify for all of us in the (near) future.

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I think quite likely is indeed quite likely :)

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…amazing. I love the idea of being able to feed the garden with our waste products!

Also, regarding the ground cover, could you just hoe off lines to facilitate planting your module-grown plants, rather than digging the whole lot in by hand? SL

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Kinda... I'm not really a fan of the whole "planting in the middle of weeds" thing that is getting quite popular these days. I do understand the philosophy of it, but you do end up having your food crops competing with the weed crops (which are better "fitted" to being there) underground. The weed roots invariably win.

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Dear lovely Pirate, how about making a compost loo - a treebog? It could alieviate the drains issue and you seem to have plenty of wood. It’s a design that was featured in this month’s Resurgence magazine and is much used in very large refugee camps. Plus you get to plant a few trees at the base at the same time. SL

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Hi Susie! We have two "compost toilets" which are basically fancy latrines, and one "composting toilet" which is actually used for making compost from human by products. This one it a little bit f a fixer-upper, but should be fully in service (with a lovely surprise design feature!) in a few weeks!

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Dear Grumpster... tell us more about the 'laboratory' thing...

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There is a rambling blog post on the blog, but I'm going to be updating the website (and everything else) with better details this week. In short - it's a residential retreat where people come together to discuss two things: How to minimise the time spent in collapse and how to rebuild again after collapse. Not that any of us expect to make it that far!

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