As part of the "trouble makers" on the pirates joyful island, would like to say, that the gaffer grafitto is not adressed to the pirate with his wonderful vision there. could be misunderstood in the context of all the effort he puts in.
We had a great time and are extreme thankful for the posibility to party in this irreplaceable location!!!
They were really amazing people. A closely-knit group of friends who like to dance together. Peace and tranquillity can be an illusion. This is an ark, not an oasis!
I did pop down for a few hours. One of the rooms was playing exclusively very dancable music, none of which I had ever heard before. And in the other one, ironically OLD music like Abba and Funky Town 🤣
As part of the "trouble makers" on the pirates joyful island, would like to say, that the gaffer grafitto is not adressed to the pirate with his wonderful vision there. could be misunderstood in the context of all the effort he puts in.
We had a great time and are extreme thankful for the posibility to party in this irreplaceable location!!!
Looks like a fun night, and nice to see the place busy although it doesn't look entirely on brand with the peace and tranquility normally seen here!
They were really amazing people. A closely-knit group of friends who like to dance together. Peace and tranquillity can be an illusion. This is an ark, not an oasis!
The rave sounds like fun, but I'm dismayed by the gaffer tape message of 'no future'... I guess I'm a bit more optimistic post-holiday
I love that they can recognise the truth of our situation, and dance through it 🤣
Rave at the barracks looks so FUN!! Did you join in?
I did pop down for a few hours. One of the rooms was playing exclusively very dancable music, none of which I had ever heard before. And in the other one, ironically OLD music like Abba and Funky Town 🤣
Fantastic Idea.