Eichmann trial. short forms are used by all authoritarian systems to confuse people...

simply stay radically authentic please

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labradoodle is always good, abbreviations aren‘t. we know what happened to and by German administration using abbreviations, and if we don‘t we should look up the Eichman trial.

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I normally use around 6 stères in a winter. As I'm still searching for cheaper wood and it's warm in the daytimes, I'm letting the stove go out until each evening.

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It was 20°C and a record high for January in parts of Scotland yesterday. Here in the Haute Loire (HIGH, Don't call it that for nothing) I was out walking and it was 16°C and I was hot in a T-shirt! It's changed radically.

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Hi Ben! 8m3 of wood would heat my house for more than the whole winter, I'm jealous. The price for 1 stère (cubic metre) has gone from 60€ to 86€ in just a few years and some are now adding delivery charges on top, merely profiting from other energy price rises and market forces. I despair.

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jealous you get actual winter. Think we had 1 white frost here in Birmingham, not that i saw it i was in bed with food poisoning that week (a feat for a vegan i tell you). Please write more about RA!!!

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