Good morning, Pirates.
The last guest from the second Collapse Laboratory will be leaving later today. Actually, I think not very much later at all. I think there is going to be an exodus in around half an hour. Probably before I have finished writing this. Or in other words, it’s going to be late out again, isn’t it?
I don’t think I’m going to be able to write much about it today, other than the most superficial truths of how nice it was to have a barracks full of people, how rewarding it was to be able to sit down and talk with them all. I’d probably try to do some quick back of an envelope calculations on how many meals I prepared - close to 200 is probably not far off, and how grateful I am that there are people who are happy to be here in this strange and wonderful place, prepared and willing to indulge my really rather strange manifestation of being useful, and participating fully in the conceit that we might attain it.
Well, I think we were useful for ourselves. I think we have a message of hope that works.
Like I hinted, I don’t think that I can articulate it just yet, but it has something to do with landing planes softly, jellyfish, stomping ants and all sorts of love. With great food.
Tomorrow, I start back into some sort of a routine, I think. Maybe Wednesday.
It’s not like there isn’t plenty to do, it’s just that I am not quite ready to do it yet. (The foot is in constant pain, but almost entirely healed from a mechanical point of view, so that’s definitely great timing!)
The Week Ahead
It’s time to start in earnest on the pickles, the pots and the preserves. This means checking on the progress of the barracks vinegar. I don’t think it’s anywhere near ready, but we can check.
But, mostly
Pick and can tomatoes
Pull up the rest of the potatoes and check on the ones already in storage.
I might move the storage. I think I should.
Get drying things.
Pick many, many beans.
Try to get the wasps out of the orchard. This year has been pure wasp crazy. I hope this isn’t a sign of the warming times. At least fifty percent of the plan of the barracks is to have an orchard of unusual size, and to use the (close to) zero maintenance bumper harvest of fruit to sustain a ship full of pirates. If they are going to be mostly taken over by wasps, we need a new plan.
One Year Ago
A mouse hid in a roll of aluminium foil
And that’s about all my brain can take this morning.
I hope you are all doing lovely well, and thank you for subscribing to and reading my newsletter. I love that I have the ability to share some of what goes on here with you week to week, and I wish it was better.
Until next time, then, be excellent to each other. And apologies for the lack of voice over today. Some weeks, I just don’t feel up to it.
Much pirate love, and do please take care of each other,
Your Pirate Ben
Congratulations! Xx
I bet it was simply fabulous. Take some time to let it all settle.